What To Do If Your Facebook Ad Account Is Disabled
3 Steps You Can Take To Get Back Into Your Facebook Ads Account Today.
(Updated January 9, 2023)
If you've ever had your Facebook Ad Account disabled or shut down, you know how difficult it can be to try and get it back. Here are 3 steps you can take today if your Facebook Ad Account is disabled.
1. Use the Meta Pro-Team Feature. I'll include a link below that you can use:
Make sure you are logged into your personal Facebook account. The link above will take you to a screen that says" Let Our Team Unlock Performance for Your Business". Scroll down until you see the options to "Connect Now" Although Facebook (Meta) has recently done away with the Chat feature, you can still speak to a human by requesting to connect with a Marketing Pro, Tech Pro, or Support Pro. If your account has been disabled, you will want to request to connect with a Meta Tech Pro. Click the connect now button and follow the prompts to schedule a call.
2. Head to the Facebook Ads Manager here: https://business.facebook.com/adsmanager and navigate to the "All Tool Menu" in the upper left-hand corner. It looks like 3 lines, commonly referred to as the hamburger menu. From there, click on Business Settings and scroll down to Business Info. You will need to enter your business email under "My Info" and then go to your email address and confirm the email sent by Facebook.
3. Turn on two-factor authentication under Business Options. This will be just above the same area where you just entered your email address. Once your email is confirmed, you will want to turn on Two-Factor Authentication for Everyone. Make sure your phone is handy. Facebook will send you a text message with a code for you to enter to activate the Two-Factor Authentication.
If you have never gone through the process of securing your account on the backend of Facebook, be sure to do that soon to keep your account from getting flagged!
If you don’t know where to start, my course Tech Check ✔️ walks you through it all with video tutorials and hyperlinks to make the process as easy as possible.